In addition to our GP partners, we also have a number of other highly trained professionals to help you manage your health. These include;

GP Partners


Dr Sanjay Shyamapant (m)

MB BCh (Wales 1995), MRCGP, PGD-Dermatology, PGD-Diabetic Medicine

Special Interests: Diabetic Medicine, Joint Injections

GMC 4197069


Associate GP's

In addition to the GP partners, we also employ a number of other qualified GP's.

Dr Louise Edison (f)

BMBS (University of Nottingham 2008) MRCGP

GMC 7015849


Dr Julian Nesbit  (m)

MB ChB (University of Bristol 2013) MRCGP

GMC 7412042


Dr Julian Tallon (m)

MB BCh (University of Wales 1985) DCH

Special Interests: Joint Injections

GMC 3081828


Dr Sarah White (f)

MBBS (University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2013) MRCGP 

GMC 7332514


Dr Ade Okesanya (f)

GMC 4571810


Dr Catherine Frampton (f)

GMC 4185747


Dr Gareth Kelly (m)

MBChB, BMedSci (Hons), MRCGP (2010),DFSRH 

GMC 6122472

GP Registrars

As a training practice, we also help train the next generation of GP's. 

A GP Registrar is a fully qualified, registered doctor, undertaking advanced training to specialise in General Practice.

All GP registrars, have completed their 2 years of preregistration in hospital and been approved by the General Medical Council (GMC) prior to joining us.

Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs)

Our ANPs are able to see patients with undiagnosed, undifferentiated medical conditions and make treatment decisions, including ordering any necessary investigations.  They can prescribe medication and refer patients to secondary care, as well as help patients to manage their long-term (chronic) conditions.

Andy Ormston (m)

Practice Nurses 

Our Practice Nurses are able to offer services and advice relating to vaccinations and immunisations, family planning and sexual health, smoking cessation and managing long-term conditions.  They can also manage minor and complex wounds including leg ulcers.

Jackie McCutcheon (f) 
Maggie Frayling (f)



Healthcare Assistants (HCAs)

Our HCAs are trained to undertake specific clinical procedures including blood pressure and new patient checks, health promotion, wound management, urinalysis, weight and height recording and phlebotomy (blood tests).



Clinical Pharmacists

Our Clinical Pharmacists are highly qualified experts in medicines and can help people in a number of ways, included carrying out structured medication reviews for patients with ongoing health problems and offerring advice for those taking multiple medicines. 

Nicola Weekes (f) 


Pharmacy Technicians

Our Pharmacy Technicians are an integral part of the Pharmacy team. They support with a range of medication related tasks that vary in complexity. They include managing medication requests, checking discharges and clinic letters and undertaking PCN wide audits and managing the monitoring of high risk drugs.

Susan Phillips (f)


MSK First Contact Practitioners (FCPs)

Our MSK FCPs are highly experienced physiotherapists who are able to assess, diagnose, treat and manage patients with musculoskeletal (MSK) issues. 

Daniele Coleman (f)


Community Paramedics

Our Community Paramedics carry out urgent home visits, ensuring that patients are seen more quickly by skilled staff trained to an advanced level.

David Inglis (m)



Community Midwives

All of our pregnant patients will be cared for during their pregnancy by a Community Midwife. Usually, antenatal appointments will be held at the surgery and, in most cases, your Community Midwife will be the lead professional caring for you; this is called Midwife Led Care. 

Sue Edwards (f)