Meet Our Clinical Team

In addition to our GP partners, we also have a number of other highly trained professionals to help you manage your health. These include;
GP Partners
Dr James Hunt (m)
MB BCh (Cardiff 2022) MRCGP FRACGP
Special Interests: Child Health, Cardiology, Dermatology and MSK Joint Injections
GMC 6045242
Associate GP's
In addition to the GP partners, we also employ a number of other qualified GP's.
Dr Annalisa Clark (f)
Special Interests: Women's Health, Care of the Elderly and Palliative Care
GMC 4307495
Dr Jane Jenyon (f)
BSc (Hons) MBBS (UCL 2008) MRCGP (2017) DFSRH (2012)
GMC 7021085
Dr Richard Tilson (m)
BMBS (University of Nottingham 2012) MRCGP
Special Interests: Population Health Management
GMC 7285182
Dr Ruth Macleod (f)
BMBS (University of Southampton 2014) MRCGP
GMC 7455241
Dr Celia Cotton (f)
MBBS (University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2014) MRCGP
GMC 7436481
Special Interests: Women's Health and Menopause Medicine
Dr Kate Barry (f)
MBBS (University of London 2006) MRCGP
GMC 6143138
Dr Amber Holmes (f)
MA (cantab) MBBS (London 2010) DRCOG MRCGP
GMC 7085193
Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs)
Our ANPs are able to see patients with undiagnosed, undifferentiated medical conditions and make treatment decisions, including ordering any necessary investigations. They can prescribe medication and refer patients to secondary care, as well as help patients to manage their long-term (chronic) conditions.
Nicola Phelps (f)
Julie Hicks (f)
Emma Hunt (f)
Practice Nurses
Our Practice Nurses are able to offer services and advice relating to vaccinations and immunisations, family planning and sexual health, smoking cessation and managing long-term conditions. They can also manage minor and complex wounds including leg ulcers.
Donna Butler (f) - Senior Practice Nurse
Pauline Njeri Odame (f)
Alice Dean (f)
Assistant Practitioners
Our Assistant Practitioners specialise in areas including daibetes, wound management and respiratory conditions. They are able to help patients manage their long-term conditions and help prevent hospital admissions.
Kay Gray (f)
Healthcare Assistants (HCAs)
Our HCAs are trained to undertake specific clinical procedures including blood pressure and new patient checks, health promotion, urinalysis, weight and height recording and phlebotomy (blood tests).
Caroline Webster (f)
Our Phlebotomists take blood samples from patients for examination in a laboratory.
Hannah Ramsay (f)
Clinical Pharmacists
Our Clinical Pharmacists are highly qualified experts in medicines and can help people in a number of ways, included carrying out structured medication reviews for patients with ongoing health problems and offerring advice for those taking multiple medicines.
Evelyne Beech (f) PCN
Carolyn Parikos (f) PCN
Pharmacy Technicians
Our Pharmacy Technicians are an integral part of the Pharmacy team. They support with a range of medication related tasks that vary in complexity. They include managing medication requests, checking discharges and clinic letters and undertaking PCN wide audits and managing the monitoring of high risk drugs.
Aleksandra Green (f) PCN
Social Prescribing Link Workers
Our Social Prescribing Link Workers help patients to improve their health, wellbeing and social welfare by connecting them to community services which might be run by the council or a local charity.
Adults - Linzi Worrall PCN
Young People - Clare Eccles PCN
Emergency Care Practitioners (ECPs)
Our Emergency Care Practitioners are trained paramedics that carry out urgent home visits, ensuring that patients are seen more quickly by skilled staff trained to an advanced level.
Timothy George (m) PCN
Becky Wilson (f) PCN
Community Midwives
All of our pregnant patients will be cared for during their pregnancy by a Community Midwife. Usually, antenatal appointments will be held at the surgery and, in most cases, your Community Midwife will be the lead professional caring for you; this is called Midwife Led Care.