Message to all Prestbury Park Medical Patients from your GPs

We are pleased to let you know that all patients registered with Prestbury Park Medical will be joining Berkeley Place Surgery at the Wilson Centre from 2nd November 2023. 

GPs from both practices have been working together since the move in the Wilson Centre in Prestbury and they believe this change will provide long term sustainability and continuity of service for all their patients.  You will not notice any major changes to the service you currently receive but you will enjoy a wider choice of health professionals for appointments. 

You do not need to anything as the transfer to Berkeley Place will happen automatically.  We will share more information on our practice website very soon.

We will have a reduced service from 30th October until the process has been completed on 2nd November. 

Please ensure you order enough medication to cover this period.

Thank you for your ongoing support for your local GP practices.