Who to contact for help
Mental Health and Wellbeing Support - Gloucestershire

Free, confidential support during crisis without a referral or appointment
Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team
Tel. 0800 169 0398 or follow the link here
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
May use telephone, text or video-based technology.
Samaritans - all ages
Tel. 116 123, email jo@samaritans.org or follow the link here
Helpline open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Volunteers are available to listen and talk without judgement.
Stay Alive App - all ages
Stay Alive App is a UK-based suicide prevention resource, packed full of useful information and tools to stay safe in a crisis.
Papyrus Suicide Prevention - up to 35 years old
Tel. 0800 068 4141 or text 07860 039967
Helpline is open every day (including bank holidays) 9am-midnight.
Email. pat@papyrus-uk.org or follow the link here.
Papyrus is a leading UK charity for the prevention of young suicide and can offer support to young people directly or to those concerned about someone else.
Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)
Tel. 0800 58 58 58 or follow the link here
CALM is a leading movement against suicide, with a helpline and webchat available 5pm-Midnight, 365 days a year.
If you are already being supported by specialist mental health services, please contact the team for further help and advice.
Support services for anxiety, depression or low mood
Community Advice, Links, Mental Health Support (CALMHS)
Tel. 0345 8638323 / 01452 317460
Email. gloucesterhub@independencetrust.co.uk or click here
Drop-in. Central Point of Contact, Community House, 15 College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LZ
CALMHS offer one-to-one support for those with moderate to severe mental ill health along with personal support plans and signposting to other services.
Let's Talk
Tel. 0800 073 2200 or follow the link here
Let's Talk provides support for adults struggling with a range of mental health conditions including depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD and phobias.
Qwell offers online counselling for adults, access to self-care resources and peer support via online forums. Register under 'Gloucestershire adults'.
Community Wellbeing Service - Over 16's
0300 365 6463 (Cheltenham and Tewkesbury)
01452 52491 (Cotswolds)
0300 131 0024 (Gloucester)
01594 812447 (Forest-of-Dean)
0345 863 8323 (Stroud and Berkley Vale)
The Community Wellbeing Service connects people to local services, organisations and groups that can help improve general wellbeing and meet wider social needs.
Support is confidential, free and does not require a referral or appointment
Gloucestershire Carers Hub
Tel. 0300 111 9000, email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or follow the link here
Offering information, advice and guidance to carers between 9am-5pm Mon-Fri
Change, Grow, Live (CGL)
Tel. 01452 223 014 or follow the link here
Change, Grow, Live offer help to those recovering from alcohol or drug addiction.
Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service (GDASS)
GDASS supports those living with domestic abuse and works to improve the safety of victims and their families. To contact the service, please click here.
Mental Health Experience Led Opportunities (MHELO)
Tel. 01452 234003
Email. info@inclusion-glos.org or follow the link here
MHELO is an independent network for people in Gloucestershire to ensure that the voice of those that have experienced mental health problems is heard. They welcome people from all backgrounds and all walks of life, and provide a safe, supportive and user-led space.
Gloucestershire Self-Harm Helpline
Tel. 0808 801 0606
Text 07537 410 022 or click here
Gloucestershire Self-Harm Helpline is available for those who self-harm and their friends and families. Support is available from 5pm-10pm daily.
The Cavern - Kingfisher Treasure Seekers
Tel. 01452 307 201
Email. info@kftseekers.org.uk or follow the link here
Drop in. 52 Westgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 2NF
The Cavern is a coffee shop and live music venue in Gloucester which is open to all throughout the week as a safe place to meet friends, play board games and see a friendly face.
Citizens Advice Bureau
Tel. 01452 527 202 or click here
Free, confidential and impartial advice of big issues affecting people's lives including financial advice and information about benefits.
Age UK
Tel. 01452 422 660 (Mon-Fri 10am-3pm) or click here
Age UK offers advice and support on a wide range of issues for older people, their families and carers.
Fearless/Positive Relationships Glos
Fearless/Positive Relationships Glos provide advice on domestic abuse, stalking/harassment and sexual violence.
Honour Thy Woman
Honour Thy Woman offers support to women against domestic abuse (victims and survivors) all over Gloucestershire - 20 years old and older. They run events throughout the year to raise awareness and support other community groups and local charities and offer peer mentor support tailored to the needs of each client. The service also works closely with Asylum Seekers and other Organisations Countywide.
The Nelson Trust
The Nelson Trust is a charity that brings belief, hope and long-term recovery to people whose lives have been torn apart by addiction and the multiple and complex needs that come with it. They provide residential addiction treatment to men and women and support women in the community who are in contact with the criminal justice system.
There are also many websites offering support, advice and tips to those who are concerned about their mental health or that of someone close to them. These include,
Free, confidential support during crisis without a referral or appointment
Young Gloucestershire - 11-25 years old
Tel. 01452 501 008 or follow the link here
Available 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri.
Young Gloucestershire offer counselling by phone and online chat with emergency support packages available to existing clients.
Children and Young People's Services - up to 18 years old
CYPS offers mental health services for children and young people, along with their families and carers. They also provide support for health issues related to a moderate/severe learning disability. Please note, a GP referral IS required to access this service.
Teens in Crisis (TIC+) - 9-25 years old
Tel. 01594 372 777 or follow the link here
Text. 07520 634063
TIC+ provides counselling by phone, text chat or video chat.
Samaritans - all ages
Tel. 116 123, email jo@samaritans.org or follow the link here
Helpline open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Volunteers are available to listen and talk without judgement.
Shout - all ages
Text. SHOUT (85258)
For anyone is a crisis anytime, anywhere. The service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is free on all major mobile networks. For more information, please follow the link here.
Stay Alive App - all ages
Stay Alive App is a UK-based suicide prevention resource, packed full of useful information and tools to stay safe in a crisis.
Papyrus Suicide Prevention - up to 35 years old
Tel. 0800 068 4141 or text 07860 039967
Helpline is open every day (including bank holidays) 9am-midnight.
Email. pat@papyrus-uk.org or follow the link here.
Papyrus is a leading UK charity for the prevention of young suicide and can offer support to young people directly or to those concerned about someone else.
Chat Health - 11-19 year olds
Text. 07507 333 351
Chat Health is a confidential text messaging service provided by the Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust School Nursing Team. Available 9am-4.30pm Mon-Fri.
On Your Mind - all ages
On Your Mind is an NHS website with links to support for a range of issues including bullying, eating disorders and anxiety.
Young Minds - Parents helpline
Tel. 0808 802 5544 or follow the link here
Young Minds provide online information and advice to help support children and young people facing mental health challenges.
Childline - up to 19 years old
Tel. 0800 1111 or follow the link here
Childline offers help and advice on a wide range of issues. Counsellors are available online or on the phone between 9.00-0.00.
The Mix - up to 25 years old
Tel. 0808 808 4994 or follow the link here
The Mix is the UK's leading support service for young people and offers help with mental health, money, homelessness, finding a job, relationships and drugs. Phone lines are open 4pm-11pm Mon-Sun with online chat available 8pm-9.30pm Sun-Thurs.
Support services for help with specific issues
harmLESS is a resource for those concerned about a young person's self-harm. They offer advice on talking about self-harm, developing a support plan and signposting/referral information.
Young Gloucestershire
Young Gloucestershire details support services offered in the county, including Bounce: Self-harm Support.
Gloucestershire Self-Harm Helpline - all ages
Tel. 0808 801 0606 or follow the link here
Text. 07537 410022
This service offers free, confidential and non-judgemental support to people who self-harm or who are concerned about someone else. Phone lines are open between 5pm-10pm daily.
Tel. 0808 800 2222 or follow the link here
Helpline open 9am-9pm Mon-Fri and 10am-3pm weekend.
Online chat available Mon-Fri 10.30am-9pm.
Youth Support
Youth Support aim to offer quick, responsive and effective intervention to vulnerable young people. They work with them and their families to identify the best support for them within their own communities.
Young Carers Gloucestershire
Tel. 01452 733060 or follow the link here.
Young Carers provide a range of services to help support young carers across the county.
STREET Gloucestershire - 13-19 years old
Tel. 0808 281 2446 (9am-8pm Mon-Fri)
STREET is an acronym for Safe Teenage Relationship Empowerment & Education Team. The STREET team provide one-to-one and group-work support for young people aged 13 to 19 who are experiencing, witnessing or demonstrating harmful behaviours relating to domestic abuse. Referrals can be made via the GP or School Nurse, alternatively, you can self-refer or chat online via the website.
Gay Glos
Tel. 07903 472 899 - please be prepared to leave a message.
Email. youth@gay-glos.org or follow the link here.
Gay Glos offer support to anyone who is dealing with issues around sexuality and sexual orientation.
Glos Eating Disorders Team
Tel. 01242 634 242 (9am-4pm Mon-Fri)
The Eating Disorders Team offer support for those struggling with an eating disorder in the form of CBT, drug therapy and group therapy. Referrals can be made via the GP, alternatively you can self refer via the website here.
Winston's Wish
Tel. 08088 020 021 or follow the link here.
Helpline is open 8am-8pm Mon-Fri.
Winston's Wish offers support and guidance to bereaved children and young people, and those close to them, dealing with the loss of a parent or sibling.
For further information, you might find it useful to take a look at the following pages;