Medicine Wastage - A cost to the NHS and the planet

Unused prescription medication costs the NHS in the UK over £300 million every year!
Based on average costs, this is the equivalent of;
- 80,906 hip replacements
- 101,351 knee replacements
- 19,799 drug treatment courses for breast cancer
- 11,778 Community Nurses
- 300,000 drug treatment courses for Alzheimer's
It is bad news for the enviroment too - unused medicines also account for 48% of the total carbon footprint of community healthcare
There are several ways that you can help to reduce the problem of wasted medication and help save the NHS money....
Only order the medicines that you need
- Please let your GP or Pharmacist know if you are no longer taking any of your medicines, or if you are using them less frequently than before
- Please check how much you have at home before re-ordering
- Please only tick those items that you really need - medicines that you do not tick will still be on the form next time
- Please also remember that your medicines are only prescribed for you - it is not safe to share them with anyone else
Remember that unused medicines cannot be recycled
- Even if you have not opened them, once a medicine has left the pharmacy it cannot be recycled or reused
- Please always take any unused medication to a pharmacy for safe disposal
- NEVER flush unused or unwanted medicine down the toilet
Unused medications are a safety risk
- Please return any out of date medication to a pharmacy for safe disposal
- If your medicines change, please return any of your old medication to a pharmacy for safe disposal and to avoid mixing them up with your new medicine
- Do not stockpile medication - this can lead to shortages for others, pose a safety risk to children or anyone else who may take them and can lead to medicine going out of date before it is used
- Please always store your medicine in an appropriate place and out of the reach of children or pets
If you would like more information, please visit
The easiest way to manage your medication is via the NHS App
Alternatively, patients can order medication online by simply clicking the 'MAKE A REQUEST' icon from the practice home page, selecting 'I have an admin query' and following the prompts.
Please ensure that you are on the correct portal for the practice that you are registered with